Module bento.utils

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# Bentobox
# Utilities

from bento.protos.references_pb2 import AttributeRef
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict, MessageToJson
from google.protobuf.message import Message
import yaml

def to_yaml_proto(proto: Message):
    """Convert and return the given protobuf message as YAML"""
    return yaml.safe_dump(MessageToDict(proto), sort_keys=True)

def to_str_attr(attr: AttributeRef):
    return f"{attr.entity_id}/{attr.component}/{attr.attribute}"


def to_str_attr(attr: AttributeRef)
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def to_str_attr(attr: AttributeRef):
    return f"{attr.entity_id}/{attr.component}/{attr.attribute}"
def to_yaml_proto(proto: google.protobuf.message.Message)

Convert and return the given protobuf message as YAML

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def to_yaml_proto(proto: Message):
    """Convert and return the given protobuf message as YAML"""
    return yaml.safe_dump(MessageToDict(proto), sort_keys=True)